Rabbinical College of America
Morristown - Tiferes Yeshiva

Student Fund

The Tiferes Student Fund is a small “heimishe” tzedaka that helps with an array of areas all connected to yeshiva.

  • The fund helps with the needs of its current students who don’t have financial means. This includes everything from a pair of Rashi and/or RT tefillin to a pair of shoes or a winter coat.
  • As an extension of the above the fund also steps in when there are unusual circumstances that are needed such as a student needing therapy or an emergency trip home.
  • Also the fund assists with students’ expenses when they reach the stage of marriage. This includes everything from dor yesharim, to dating costs, to helping cover personal expenses before the chasuna (purchasing a kapota etc). Also the fund helps yungerleit when they need with a gema”ch to help set up their homes.
  • The fund also pays for most of the extracurricular activities the yeshiva runs. This includes transportation – the fund currently owns (though in a private student’s name…) 2 vehicles-, farbrengens (the costs of bringing a farbrenger, paying a farbrenger, and special farbeisen or mashke to enhance a farbrengen), special trips, going to students’ chasunahs, and special “mivtzas” to incentivise the bochurim.
  • The fund runs an annual Matanos L’evyonim drive. On Purim day there is usually between 10 and 20 thousand dollars that is distributed.
  • Recently I’ve also tried to raise money for alumni before Yomim Tovim if they are in a difficult financial state. This is something I’d like to expand.
  • The fund tries to give gifts of appreciation to the hanhola from time to time (Chanuka, Tishrei etc).
  • The fund acts as a gemach for those that need.
  • The fund also pays for various recruitment activities to reach students and shluchim.

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