Rabbinical College of America
One on one learning

Mission & Vision

At Tiferes Bachurim, our goal is to provide a comprehensive education in Jewish heritage and tradition. We believe that through education and immersion in our rich history, individuals can deepen their understanding and connection to the ancient Jewish texts and laws. Our mission is to create an environment where Jews can feel comfortable and confident in their roots, traditions, and beliefs.

Our curriculum ranges from basic to advanced levels, offering students the tools and knowledge necessary to master the study of ancient Jewish texts. In addition to learning about Jewish law and tradition, students at Tiferes Bachurim will also have the opportunity to learn Aramaic, Biblical Hebrew, and Yiddish, adding to their language skills and cultural knowledge. This education prepares students not only for a deeper understanding of their faith, but also for Rabbinical ordination if they so choose.

We believe that our mission is critical for the future of the Jewish people and their traditions. By providing opportunities for education and growth, Tiferes Bachurim is helping to ensure the continuation of our heritage and strengthen the connection of Jews to their faith.

Our vision is to create a community of informed and committed Jews who are equipped to serve as leaders, ambassadors, and practitioners of their faith. Whether you are just beginning your journey of learning or already well-versed in Jewish text and tradition, Tiferes Bachurim offers something for everyone. Join us in our mission to deepen your connection to Jewish heritage and become part of our growing community of learners.