Igeres HaTeshuva

Igeres HaTeshuva by the Alter Rebbe is a seminal Chassidic text that delves into the nature of repentance from a Chassidic perspective. In this work, the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, offers a detailed and profound exploration of the process of Teshuva (repentance), focusing on the inner dimensions of returning to God. The text emphasizes the transformative power of Teshuva, discussing how sincere repentance can elevate the soul and reconnect it with the Divine. It provides spiritual insights and practical guidance for achieving a deeper, more meaningful repentance, reflecting the Alter Rebbe’s approach to personal and spiritual growth.

Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky

Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky


Rabbi Dubinsky’s Chassidus class, for the seasoned student, carefully analyzes the texts and thought process of chassidic discourses. During this week Rabbi Dubinsky’s class will be studying the Maamar from Rebbe concerning the spiritual roots of the exchange and differences between Yosef and Yehuda.

Rabbi Dubinsky’s Gemarah class takes its students on an analytical journey, investigating the logic of the Gemarah and its commentaries.

Rabbi Dubinsky’s Gemarah class takes its students on an analytical journey, investigating the logic of the Gemarah and its commentaries.

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Immerse in Igeres HaTeshuva: Podcasts!

Igeres HaTeshuva by the Alter Rebbe is a seminal Chassidic text that delves into the nature of repentance from a Chassidic perspective. In this work, the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, offers a detailed and profound exploration of the process of Teshuva (repentance), focusing on the inner dimensions of returning to God. The text emphasizes the transformative power of Teshuva, discussing how sincere repentance can elevate the soul and reconnect it with the Divine. It provides spiritual insights and practical guidance for achieving a deeper, more meaningful repentance, reflecting the Alter Rebbe’s approach to personal and spiritual growth.

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